Maker/Librarian Diana Rendina has a wonderful blog called “Renovated Learning” for all things makerspaces. She recently wrote an article on how to manage these spaces during our current pandemic. Great tips and tricks for all. This is a great infographic
Disinfecting Equipment and Surfaces in Schools and Makerspaces
Computational Thinking in an Elementary Setting
These documents provide educators with practical ideas on how to promote the four different areas of computational thinking (Decomposition, Pattern Recognition, Abstraction and Algorithmic design) with a bunch of example activities, questions and games that can be applied across the
Tinkering on the Kitchen Table: Unboxing Servos for Micro:bits
In this first kick at the can I will be unboxing some servo motors and hooking them up to a Micro:bit. Once they’re hooked up, what can we create with them? Curriculum Connections: I followed the technological design process from
#citystory Activity Page • April 2020
Welcome to our first live stream called #citystory A city story can be about anything that might happen in the city or the country. Making small models of houses and buildings will help make your stories come alive… What
Open Creative Space Day @WQSB
The LEARN Ped Team spent a couple days in the winter at Western Quebec exploring the mindset behind maker-spaces. Consultants and educators had time to explore ideas, play with materials and collaborate. On our second days we hosted a ScratchED
McGill Pre-Service Teachers Maker Mindset Workshop • 2020
LEARN has the great privilege to work directly with McGill University’s pre-service kindergarten teachers this past winter. We got them exploring and discussing STEAM in K and the benefits of PLAY! The students has a chance to explore marble runs,
#KitchenTableTinkering Activity Page • May 2020
YouTube Link Brown Bagging it! 10 Minute Design Thinking Challenges MATRIX | Teacher’s Guide
Professional Development Day 2 – Micro:bit Pilot 2020
LEARN and this years’ Micro:bit cohort spent a day together reflecting on deployment, the new MEES technology framework, student projects, and lesson plans. We have a strong group of educators this year pushing the boundaries with integrating Micro:bits into the
STEAM at Laurentian Elementary • 2020
LEARN worked with students and teachers from Laurentian Elementary for SWLSB on a couple of STEAM activities. First we looked at an activity that was very hands on in making an artbot, and then we broke out the Makey Makey