In this first kick at the can I will be unboxing some servo motors and hooking them up to a Micro:bit. Once they’re hooked up, what can we create with them?
Curriculum Connections: I followed the technological design process from our curriculum, concepts from systems & interactions (effects of my programming on real instruments), and techniques & instruments for assembling my prototype which I like to call “Music Maker.” My math mindset was also involved with measurement and angles.
Materials: Micro:bit and Servo Kit
Software: Makecode for Micro:bitf
Part 1: Unboxing
Part 2: The Hook-Up
Part 3: Planning our Code
Part 4: Coding our Servos
Part 5: The Final Code
Part 6: The Results
Going Further: Integrating servo with musical instruments
Tinkering on the Kitchen Table: Unboxing Servos for Micro:bits