COSMO e-Brailler BrailleEdu Home page Braille Literacy A Brief History Introduction to Pre-Braille Tactile Discrimination Tactile and Exploration Activities Braille Readiness Beginning Braille Learning Braille Reading Strategies Braille Devices and Software COSMO e-Brailler COSMO e-Brailler Course Introduction Unboxing the COSMO COSMO and Braille Proper Posture Plugging in and Turning on the COSMO Types of Paper for the COSMO Loading and Unloading Paper Connecting the COSMO to a Computer Key Offline Functions of the COSMO COSMO e-Brailler & Duxbury Software COSMO e-Brailler & BERT Software Tests and Troubleshooting Concluding Remarks Resources BrailleEdu Home page Braille Literacy A Brief History Introduction to Pre-Braille Tactile Discrimination Tactile and Exploration Activities Braille Readiness Beginning Braille Learning Braille Reading Strategies Braille Devices and Software COSMO e-Brailler COSMO e-Brailler Course Introduction Unboxing the COSMO COSMO and Braille Proper Posture Plugging in and Turning on the COSMO Types of Paper for the COSMO Loading and Unloading Paper Connecting the COSMO to a Computer Key Offline Functions of the COSMO COSMO e-Brailler & Duxbury Software COSMO e-Brailler & BERT Software Tests and Troubleshooting Concluding Remarks Resources COSMO e-Brailler Transcript The above video will provided you with an overview of the COSMO e-Brailler and BERT software with regards to Distance Braille Education.