About the
Goodnight Bag project
My Goodnight Bag is a project developed by LEARN as a Family Engagement and Parent Support Strategy that contributes to health and wellness and literacy outcomes as set forth in the action plans of Community Learning Centres (CLCs) across Quebec in collaboration with community partners.

Support parents
Support early childhood learning and parenting skills for the English-speaking community of Quebec, in line with Government objectives in the 0-8 Policy «It’s All About The Children»
Support early literacy
Collaborate with key partners and stakeholders to improve early literacy outcomes by developing language and literacy skills that support student success. Provide access to age-appropriate books in both official languages.
Support health and wellbeing of both children and parents
Provide families with tools and resources to support the healthy development of their child(ren). Support the creation of a healthy lifestyle.
Support early childhood transitions
Support early childhood learning, healthy routines, and reinforce the learning link between home and school.The goal at the provincial level is to mobilize the formation of strong partnerships at local sites and offer capacity-building training to schools and their partner organizations to respond to the needs of families with preschool-aged children.
At the local level, Community Development Agents (CDAs) and their partners collaborate to offer a workshop for families with children aged 3 to 5 on healthy bedtime routines with the aim of providing support for families in early transitions and school readiness.
Families who attend a healthy bedtime routine workshop and participate in scheduled activities (in-person or online) receive My Goodnight Bag kits.
Sign in to access resources for schools and community organizations.
Watch the training videos, order your kits and access additional materials for your workshops.
Access digital resources and find out how to connect with your school or community organization.
Partners and contributors
This project is made possible thanks to the Community Health and Social Services Network (CHSSN), Canadian Parents for French (CPF) and contributions by Frontier College and Naitre et Grandir.