A bedtime routine will help parents establish a regular sleep pattern and a consistent bedtime routine for their child(ren). Routines are comforting as much for the children as for their parents.
Did you know ?
More than a Bag
My Goodnight Bag is a resource for families, schools, and community organizations.
- Collaborative Planning Tools
- Recorded Training Sessions
- Resources to create your own Goodnight Bag Kits
- Bedtime Routine Poster
- Colouring Book
- Webinars
- And more!
How to participate
community organization
Watch the training videos, download bedtime resources, and access additional materials for your workshops.
Access digital resources and find out how to connect with your school or community organization.
A Family Engagement
and Support Strategy
The GNB project was launched in 2019 with funding from the Community Health and Social Services Network (CHSSN). Since its inception (and in spite of the COVID-19 pandemic), 718 bags have been distributed. Six English language school boards, 27 schools and 22 community-based health and social services partners have participated in the project, resulting in new and strengthened collaborations among education and health and social service providers working to support English speaking families.