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Monica Waterhouse is currently director of ESL teacher education at Université Laval. She has over 20 years of English language teaching experience in diverse contexts ranging from Francophone children in northern New Brunswick, to Chinese adolescents in Beijing, and adult immigrants in Ontario. Her teaching focuses on various aspects of ESL pedagogy and she is involved in practicum supervision in Quebec schools. Her recent research explores the potential of arts-based approaches in language education.


Webinar Description
This webinar will begin by briefly describing what is meant by art-based pedagogy in the context of language education through diverse examples drawn from classroom-based research. Then, specific examples from a collaborative study undertaken with ESL and FSL teachers of newcomer students, in Ontario and Quebec respectively, will be used to critically explore the potential of arts-based pedagogy for language teaching and learning. Audience members will be invited to reflect on their experiences with arts-based approaches and to consider their feasibility and value in relation to their own teaching context.