Two very active ESL teachers, Isabelle Giroux and Tanja Vaillancourt, have  created The 40-week ESL Challenge and are inviting you to be part of the movement.

The dynamic duo presents the project:
“It’s a very dear project to us that we have been working on secretly over the summer and that we are very proud to launch today. We want to thank Sandra Laine, ICT consultant at the RÉCIT that helped us a great deal with the logistics. Without her, this project wouldn’t have been possible.

What is it?
1 School Year to Form a Habit
40 Video Challenges
10 Months to Change
180 Days of School

How did this idea come about? 

We are both ESL teachers and we know what teaching ESL is all about.
We sometimes get stuck in a rut.
We sometimes forget the cool ideas we used to do when we started teaching.
We sometimes need to add a little umpfh to change our class dynamic.
We sometimes want to try something new without spending too much time preparing.
We sometimes look for new ideas and can’t find anything ready to go.

We are both very passionate about our job and want to share it with you.

That’s why we had the idea of giving you a hand. We want to help shake up your routine by sending one idea per week.

The purpose of this 40-Week Challenge is an attempt to promote the love of ESL and a reminder that small creative ideas can make a world a difference in a classroom.

We hope you have fun. Click to see the complete project and to be part of the movement. ”
