Check out these resources gathered from the NEXTschool Journey to date:
NEXTschool Reports
NEXTschool Research and Development Report, November 2017
NEXTschool Design Report, July 2018
Video: How might we innovate Quebec High Schools using Systems Change? NEXTschool, 2019
Pandemic Resources for schools
Fall Scenarios, Maloney & Kim, 2020
Half-time High School may be all that students need, 2020
Re-opening school: what it might look like, Gonzalez, J., 2020
Moving forward in the Covid-19 era, Osmond-Johnson et al., 2020
6 ideas for creating a remote community of learners, Martin, K., 2020
The New Normal: 5 insights from GOA’s Covid-19 Leadership Roundtable, Hall, K., 2020
Education disrupted by Covid 19 and the role of education leaders, The édu-flâneuse, 2020
10 principles for designing the 2020-2021 school year, Bamford, G.,2020
Transcend: Building beyond the limits of school design: Coronavirus resource hub. 2020
Innovation and School Transformation
Vidéo: Le système d’éducation, une fois pour toutes, Emile Roy, 2018
Humans Wanted: How Canadian Youth can thrive in the age of disruption, RBC, March 2018
What School Could Be, Ted Dintersmith, 2018
Creative Schools: The Grassroots Revolution That’s Transforming Education, Sir Ken Robinson, 2016
Most Likely to Succeed; Preparing our Kids for The Innovation Era, Tony Wagner, 2015
The Five Pillars of Whole School Transformation, Ross, 2017
The Fast Track to Sustainable Turnaound, Fullan and Pinchot, 2018
Transformation, video, Nellie Mae Education Foundation 2015
MIT online course: Launching Innovation in Schools
Leadership Coaching for Educators, K. Reiss, 2015
The Inner Work of Leaders, Mackoff and Wenet, 2000
Aim High, Achieve More: How to Transform Urban Schools Through Fearless Leadership Jackson & McDermott, 2012
Push, Pull and Nudge; The Future of Teaching and Educational Change, Hargreaves, A., 2011, LEARNing Landscapes, Vol. 9, No.1., Autumn 2015
Nuance, Fullan, M. 2019
Professional Development as Lever for Change, Megan Webster, 2015
The Competence-Confidence Loop, Eikenberry, K., 2012
The Art of Dialogue, Graybill and Easton, 2015
Want a positive culture? Give teachers voice and choice.,Kaechele, M., 2018
Student voice revolution, Fletcher, A., 2017
Dialogue, Peter Senge | A Learning Organization, Sprouts – videos for learners
Deep Learning, Michael Fullan
Schooling Redesigned, OECD
7 Principles of Learning, OECD
MIT Teaching Systems Labs
Concordia Centre for Teaching and Learning
Redesigning Learning Spaces: What Do Teachers Want For Future Classrooms? Pedro., N. 2017
The Space: A guide for educators Hare & Dillon, 2016
Blueprint for tomorrow: Redesigning Schools for Student-Centered Learning Nair, P., 2014
Design Tech High School, California
Read here about the space and design of High Tech High Schools, California
Watch this video about the space at Eminence School in Kentucky
Lab École, Québec
Green School, Bali
Does lunch have to be 45 minutes? Rethinking school schedules to support innovation
Teacher spends two days as a student and is shocked at what she learns
Explore five different models of innovative schedules
Time Management with PBL
Andragogy (teaching, learning and assessment)
Seven things that happen when students own their learning, Spencer, J., 2017
Putting students in charge of their own learning, Pandolpho, B., 2018
Transdisciplinarity: Thinking Inside and Outside the Box, Levinson, M., 2016
Video: The Future of Education: Transdisciplinary Learning, School for Tomorrow, Shusterman, A., 2013
Video: 5 Keys to Project Based Learning ,via Edutopia
Buck Institute of Education -Project-based learning
Design Thinking in the Classroom: Easy-to-Use Teaching Tools to Foster Creativity, Encourage Innovation, and Unleash Potential in Every Student, by Lee, D., 2018.
The Pedagogy of Confidence, Jackson, Y., 2011
Professional Development as Lever for Change, Megan Webster, 2015
Five Design Elements for Rethinking School: A Toolkit for Educators, Global Online Academy, 2018
Four Keys to success at the most innovative schools in the world, Ross, D., 2018
What is Mindset?, Carol Dweck
On courage, vulnerability, empathy and feedback, Brené Brown
Learning through Reflection, Costa & Kallick
Building a Feedback-rich Culture, Ed Batista
Critical Friends, Deborah Bambino
Student Voice, Adam Fletcher
Sumich, L. (2019). The Ormiston Philosophy: A Changing Education Paradigm. LEARNing Landscapes, 12(1), 39-45.
Five Keys to Comprehensive Assessment
B.C.’s K-12 Assessment System
Video about the structures and culture that build strong relationships at Pearl-Cohn High School in Nashville
What does research tell us about the importance of teacher-student relationships? Whitaker, 2018
SchoolTalk: Rethinking What We Say About – and to – Students Every Day Pollock, 2017
Video: Why student voice is important?
The Power of Protocols McDonald et al., 2013
National School Reform Faculty – resources re: collaboration and communication among educators
Instructional Rounds – a form of professional learning
Stanford D-School
People Powered Innovation Labs
D-Tech High School
How Design Thinking Uses Story and Prototyping, Chad McAllister
What is Appreciative Inquiry?, David Cooperrider & Associates
Creative Confidence , David Kelly and Tom Kelly, 2013
“The Yes And…” Principle, Bob Kulhan
Design thinking playbook for change management in K12 schools, Norman Tran
IDEO’s Design Kit Videos: Empathy, Embrace Ambiguity, Make It, Iterate, Storyboard, Failure
From Luke Sumich:
“Express, explore, experiment, evaluate”
“Slow steps, change “buts” to “ands”, convince by doing and showing, own our narratives”
Ormiston Junior College, Auckland, New Zealand
From Values and Beliefs about Learning to Principles and Practice, Julia. Aitken, 1996
From Justin Reich:
“What is the minimal, viable prototype?”
” Ready, fire, aim”
“Change is always situated in a larger community which has ideas of its own”
“Most teachers are patient pragmatists”
“Innovation in education is when a small group of people get together to make things better for kids’
“Design is always a matter of reconciling tension”
EdTechTeacher, Justin Reich, Founder
Dancing with Robots: human skills for computerized work, Levy, F., Murname, R. 2013
Launching Innovation in Schools – no-fee, open online course, MIT
From Alan November:
“Scenario building is the way to get buy in for change”
“Focus on sharing of real stories”
“Questions are the lifeblood of learning”
“Change from ‘solve’ to ‘involve'”
“Teach about ambiguity and chaos”
“What relationship does a classroom have with the world?”
November Learning
The Future of Work, 2018
Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us, Daniel Pink, 2009
The Art of the Long View, Peter Schwartz, 1996
How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience and School, John D. Bransford, 2015
Stanford researchers find students have trouble judging the credibility of information online, B. Donald, 2016
Who owns the learning? Alan November, 2013
Empowering students with technology (2nd ed.), Alan November, 2010
Web literacy for educators, Alan November, 2008
The Data Wise Project, Harvard Graduate School of Education, MA
The Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence and Ruler Social Emotional Learning Program for Schools, Marc Brackett, Director, CT
Red Thread Think Tank, technology and culture, Riwa and Rahaf Harfoush, Paris, France
The Right Question Institute: A catalyst for micro-democracy, Cambridge, MA
Tools of the Mind, Boston, MA
Don’t Lecture Me, Eric Mazur, Harvard University
Prism, tool for crowdsourcing interpretation, University of Virginia
Wolfram Alpha, unique engine for computing answers and providing knowledge