Tools for Process

Here you will find all the suggested tools to use with the suggested process.


How to use: DOWNLOAD the tool; OPEN with Acrobat; COMPLETE the tool; SAVE.

Reflecting Together

Reviewing Our Collaboration

Define Your Common Goal

How to use: DOWNLOAD the tool; OPEN with Acrobat; COMPLETE the tool; SAVE.

Defining Your Common Goal

Defining Your Common Goal (option 2)


How to use: DOWNLOAD the tool; OPEN with Acrobat; COMPLETE the tool; SAVE.

Building Your Plan Together

Expanding Your Plan

Gathering Information

Weekly planning calendar

Expanding Your Plan (version 2)


Move Into Action

How to use: DOWNLOAD the tool; OPEN with Acrobat; COMPLETE the tool; SAVE.

Gathering Information


Observe and Analyze

How to use: DOWNLOAD the tool; OPEN with Acrobat; COMPLETE the tool; SAVE.

Observing & Analyzing the Information You Gathered


How to use: DOWNLOAD the tool; OPEN with Acrobat; COMPLETE the tool; SAVE.

Review the Process

Reviewing Our Collaboration